The editor and his bibliography
Philippe De Zuttere was born in 1944 in Brussels and obtained a licence in botany from the University of Liege.
His passion for bryology comes from Professor J.L. De Sloover of F.U.N.D.P. of Namur.
P. De Zuttere has had a long association with a number of botanists and bryologists.
Besides his work as a teacher, he has led a carreer as a bryologist and published dozens of articles and pamflets.
In 1992 he decided to launch the journal Nowellia bryologica. Nowellia bryologica.
His herbarium comprises about 15,000 samples and his library more than 1,000 works as well as number of offprints.
Mister De Zuttere is dead the 22/11/2018.